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en:services:email_collaboration:xmpp:pidgin [2015/12/03 11:56] – created rlossinen:services:email_collaboration:xmpp:pidgin [2015/12/17 15:24] (current) – [Configuration] abruns1
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 +==== Pidgin ====
 +=== Introduction ===
 +Pidgin is a multi-protocol chat-client which supports AIM, Google Talk, Jabber/XMPP and many more. Pidgin is available for Mac, Linux and Windows.
 +=== Installation ===
 +Download the relevant installation package at https://pidgin.im/.
 +== Windows ==
 +Install the software and then configure GWDG's XMPP service according to the [[#configuration | directions]].
 +== Linux and Mac OS X ==
 +The easiest way to install Pidgin is using the repositories of you package manager. OS X users should have a look at Macports. Linux users should use the software manager of their distribution.
 +{{ :de:services:email_collaboration:xmpp:installation.png?600 |}}
 +=== Configuration ===
 +Pidgin starts on first boot with a simple account-creation-wizard that asks for all necessary credentials to connect to an instant messaging service. Klick on "Add" to configure a new service.
 +To use the GWDG jabber-service please choose "XMPP" as protocol-type. Add your GWDG-credentials (username and password). As domain use //jabber.gwdg.de//. See also the [[?id=en:services:email_collaboration:xmpp#wie_lauten_die_serverdaten | overview]] of the server data.
 +{{ :de:services:email_collaboration:xmpp:einrichtung.png?600 |}}
 +After connecting to the GWDG jabber server the list of contacts is being loaded. This process can take up to one minute.
 +{{ :de:services:email_collaboration:xmpp:account.png?600 |}}