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en:services:general_services:software_and_license_management:adobelics [2015/09/16 13:01] – [Software and licenses order] abruns1en:services:general_services:software_and_license_management:adobelics [2022/12/14 17:22] (current) – [Software and licenses order] tunruh1
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 +====== Adobe licensing programs ======
 +===== Adobe licensing programs for educational institutions =====
 +[[http://www.adobe.de|Adobe]] provides a range of licensing programs for educational institutions, e. g. the University of Göttingen, including:
 +  * CLP (Contractual License Program)
 +  * VIP/Creative Cloud Education (Value Incentive Plan)
 +  * ETLA (Enterprise Term License Agreement)
 +In the CLP, licenses of Adobe software are purchased and can be used indefinitely. In the VIP, licenses are rented on a yearly basis and can be used on individual computers without using Adobe's cloud services. In ETLA, licenses must be acquired for the whole campus. The costs depend on the number of employees (see also the [[mscampus|Microsoft Campus Agreement]]). The ETLA only contains a limited number of products.
 +Other licensed programs use the Adobe cloud services in general.
 +Since the University of Göttingen does not use Adobe products in general on all their computers, only CLP and VIP are available. 
 +===== CLP =====
 +In the CLP, licenses of Adobe software are purchased and can be used indefinitely. Since the Creative Suite (CS) products, now called Creative Cloud (CC), can now only be rented, in CLP are currently available only //Acrobat, FrameMaker, Lightroom and Photoshop Elements//.
 +No concurrent licenses are available further.
 +The CLP has been extended until 08.01.2022 again.
 +===== VIP/Creative Cloud Education (Device) =====
 +In the VIP (Device), the licenses are rented on a yearly basis and can be used on individual computers without Adobe's cloud services. Date for the annual rent is 01.08. Included are all the individual products of the Creative Cloud (CC) as well as the complete package. A further breakdown of this package does not exist.
 +Since in the past there have often been difficulties with the availability and administration of ordered licenses within the VIP contract of the GWDG (with the Id 4EC271FE18B1726C8EFA), the administration of the VIP contract will be changed from 01.08.2018.
 +Renewals from this contract beyond 01.08.2018 are no longer possible. However, your institute, department or location now has the option of entering into its own VIP contract and managing it independently with its own annual date and administrator. You would have to clarify internally who takes over administration of the Admin Console.
 +Your own VIP contract can now be awarded to a consortium (Linked Membership) which in turn is administered by the GWDG under the above ID. This has the advantage that all purchases from the individual contracts can be added together, which results in a more cost-effective price level than with an individual contract without a consortium.
 +For further details on Linked Membership, please refer to the following URL:
 +So the next steps are:
 +  * Do not renew your licenses under VIP contract 4EC271FE18B1726C8EFA.
 +  * Tell Asknet (e-mail: [[Martial.Gutsche@asknet.de|Martial.Gutsche@asknet.de]]) as soon as possible who should be your main administrator, that you want to receive an invitation to the VIP contract and that you want to join the Linked Membership.
 +The company Asknet takes over the further completion.
 +===== Software and licenses order =====
 +The software and licenses for the two programs above may be ordered through the [[https://gwdg.asknet.de|Software Center]] of the GWDG at [[http://www.asknet.de|asknet AG]].
 +and there under "Adobe VIP - Creative Cloud Device (EDU)". From asknet you get all the needed programs and information to install the software.
 +===== Adobe software for students =====
 +Also for students, Adobe offers software to download and purchase. It can be obtained via the following URL:
 +To sign in to the site, please select "Georg-August-University Göttingen" as institution. The registration is done with the e-mail address. The bills are also created by asknet AG.