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en:services:it_consulting:hardware_purchase:start [2017/08/02 14:31] – [Dell hardware framework agreement] tottoen:services:it_consulting:hardware_purchase:start [2024/04/22 13:02] (current) – [Apple framework agreement for scientific institutions] sheider1
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 +====== Hardware Purchase ======
 +===== Dell hardware framework agreement =====
 +For several years, the procurement of particularly frequently used IT components is handled in the University of Göttingen and in further institutions together with framework agreements. The advantages of this method are known:
 +  * Guaranteed and low prices
 +  * No expenses for a (extensive) procurement process; instead simple order from the framework agreement
 +  * Uniform regulation of maintenance and replacement
 +  * Reduced support costs through standardization of components
 +In a Europe-wide tender, the GWDG has performed in behalf of the Georg-August-University and 21 other institutions in Göttingen and Lower Saxony, a new framework agreement in 2017 with the [[http://www.dell.de/|company Dell]] was chosen because of the economic offer among five bidders.
 +Due to the volume of the tender achieved in a joint approach by participating institutions and the strategic importance of scientific data processing, very favorable conditions were offered by Dell for the individual components. 
 +The framework agreement has a term from 1. May 2017 to 31. August 2019 with the option to extend to two times of 12 months. Both extension options were realized, so that the contract expired on August 31, 2021. As the invitation to tender for a new framework agreement could not yet be published, the framework agreement with Dell was extended until February 28, 2022 as an alternative.
 +The order terms and the service are handled analogous to the methods of the previous framework agreement with Dell. In particular, the deals can be found under the new framework agreement on the known sites still directly connected to the purchasing system EBP of Göttingen University. For more information on ordering please contact [[stefan.bodmann@zvw.uni-goettingen.de|Stefan Bodmann]] in the central purchasing of the University Göttingen. The orders of the other institutions can be regulated individually.
 +==== Apple framework agreement for scientific institutions =====
 +The old framework agreement for Apple hardware with CANCOM expired on 31 March 2024. Based on the needs assessment carried out by the GWDG, the GWDG invited tenders for a corresponding successor contract, which has come into force on 1 April 2024. CANCOM GmbH, based in Jettingen-Scheppach, submitted the most cost-effective offer and was therefore selected as the partner for the new framework agreement. 
 +As part of the tendering process, Apple Care for Enterprise was added to the portfolio for the maintenance of Apple devices. 
 +Under this framework agreement, all standard Macs, iPads, iPhones and selected Apple accessories can be purchased at a fixed discount rate compared to the applicable Apple price list. This discount rate is different for the various product groups. 
 +An important component of the framework agreement concerns the various possible maintenance extensions. There is now a choice of either an extension to 36 or 60 months by CANCOM or 3 or 4 years Apple Care for Enterprise plus 1 or 2 years CANCOM Care. Apple Care for Enterprise includes both technical maintenance services on site and the use of a special support hotline at Apple.  
 +CANCOM will set up a web shop for this framework agreement, in which the desired products and services can be selected, a corresponding offer prepared and sent to the customer by e-mail. An integration of the existing SAP system is also planned.
 +A special account is required to gain access to this shop. Initially you will receive this from CANCOM shortly. In future, new accounts can then be made available by the CANCOM framework agreement team in Lower Saxony.  You can reach them at [[Rahmenvertragsteam.RVAppleNI@cancom.de]]