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en:services:network_services:eduroam:android [2023/01/04 16:06] – fix link fkettenen:services:network_services:eduroam:android [2024/04/11 15:25] (current) jrichte4
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 +<WRAP center round important 100%>
 +Only Android versions that still receive support from Google are supported!
 +You can check your Version at https://endoflife.date/android
 +====== eduroam on Android =====
 +**In order to ensure a secure eduroam configuration, it is strongly recommended that you set up eduroam via the app as explained on this site!**
 +**Notice when changing the password of your GWDG account:** \\
 +If you change your password for your GWDG account after setting up the eduroam profile, the password must also be changed on your Android device. Otherwise the network connection cannot be established.
 +======= eduroam on Android 12+ ======
 +<WRAP center round important 100%>
 +If you are using a **Samsung** device with **Android 12**, you will need to still use the CAT tool as explained for Android up to version 10. You will have to search for "GWDG" (instead of your usual provider) and select the profile that is called "Samsung Workaround".
 +Please install [[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=app.eduroam.geteduroam|geteduroam]] by SURF Cooperative from the Google Play Store. Alternatively, you can [[https://cat.eduroam.org/geteduroam-stable.apk|download the APK]] directly from DFN. 
 +++++ Step-by-step image instruction (please click) |
 +1. Install the app [[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=app.eduroam.geteduroam|geteduroam]] and start it.
 +2. Press on the search field and search for your institution. Please note that at the moment, you will need to search for "Goettingen" with "OE" if your device is set to English.
 +3. Select your institution and press "next".
 +4. Enter your credentials as listed [[en:services:network_services:eduroam:|here]].
 +5. You should now be able to connect to eduroam.
 +It is possible that you will still see an error message "<unknonw ssid>". Please try to connect to the network never the less.
 +++++ If you experience errors (please click) |
 +1. Please remove your existing connections to eduroam and try again.
 +2. Please make sure that you are connected to the Internet. Otherwise you may see the following:
 +3. If you are using a Samsung device, please use the CAT tool as explained below and search for "GWDG" and select "Samsung Workaround" as your profile.
 +4. If you still cannot connect, please contact our [[https://gwdg.de/support|support]].
 +======Manual eduroam configuration======
 +<WRAP center round important 80%>
 +**Please use the App geteduroam to ensure a secure configuration!**
 +Only perform the manual configuration if it is not possible to configure an eduroam connection using 
 +[[de:services:network_services:eduroam:android| geteduroam]]. These instructions show how to configure the Android OS release mobile device settings to establish eduroam connection manually. 
 +++++ Please click here for instructions |
 +====Instructions for installing the root certificate for WLAN use====
 +In order to establish a secure connection with eduroam, it is necessary to have the root certificate loaded and installed. Although the certificate is already included in Android, it is used by default only for VPN and applications, but not for Wi-Fi. For this purpose it must be reinstalled. Make sure you have set up an Internet connection by going to the Settings under "Wireless & networks" and selecting "Wi-Fi" or "Mobile data". Please note cellular data may cause additional costs depending on your provider. 
 +**Download certificate** \\
 +You can download the current root certificate for „T-Telesec Global Root Class 2“ (valid until Oktober 1, 2033) using following [[https://pki.pca.dfn.de/dfn-ca-global-g2/pub/cacert/rootcert.crt | link]] and then install it on your device.
 +A link is also available at [[http://android.gwdg.de| android.gwdg.de]] in the category "Schnellzugriff" -> "Root-Zertifikat herunterladen".
 +Alternatively, you can first download * .crt file to your PC and then transfer the file using e.g. USB cable to your Android device.
 +**Install certificate** \\
 +Now you are ready to install the CA certificate on your device. Go to the download folder in the file manager (Explorer) and tap the certificate file. If you have no screenlock set so far, you will be prompted to set up a trusted screenlock for your device. The system will redirect you to the device's security settings for setting up a screenlock. In the "Name the Certificate" dialog, you assign a name to the certificate. For the eduroam connection, select **Wi-Fi** or **WLAN**. For apps and VPN connections, select **VPN and Apps**. Finally, tap **OK**.
 +{{ :en:services:network_services:eduroam:android:ca_certificate.png?200 |}}
 +**CA certificate Installation using Barcode Scanner** \\
 +Select the QR Scanner or Barcode Scanner App from your device. If you do not have a Barcode scanner on your device, you can install it via Play Store. Scan one of the following QR codes and open the detected link in browser.
 +|[[https://www.pki.dfn.de/fileadmin/PKI/zertifikate/T-TeleSec_GlobalRoot_Class_2.crt| T-Telesec Global Root Class 2]]| \\
 +{{:de:services:network_services:eduroam:android:telekom-root-zertifikat.png?200|}} |
 +Install the certificate file by choosing the name and purpose. After confirming your entries, you will receive a pop-up message indicating that the certificate has been successfully installed.
 +===Note when deleting a WLAN profile===
 +The root certificate must be reinstalled after deleting a wireless profile that used the certificate. Please note that for some Android devices it is not possible to reuse a name that has already been assigned. If necessary, delete an existing eduroam Wi-Fi profile in order to properly configure the certificate verification. To delete or edit a Wi-Fi profile, tap and hold on the existing Wi-Fi profile and select the option to remove from the context menu. 
 +{{  :en:services:network_services:eduroam:android:android_eduroam-install_eng_13.jpg?200  |}}
 +==== Manual eduroam configuration guide ====
 +**Please note that the menu navigation of different Android devices (depending on the manufacturer) may differ slightly.**
 +If you are in the reception area of the eduroam WLAN network, tap -> **Settings** → **Connections** → **Wi-Fi** to select the **eduroam** network. To display the available networks, your Wi-Fi must be activated. In a new window, you will be prompted to enter the **eduroam configuration parameters** (see [[en:services:network_services:eduroam:android:#eduroam_configuration_table| eduroam configuration table]]). 
 +The screenshot for the network settings shows the login data for a GWDG account as an example. 
 +As "Identity" enter your username according to the table in the section [[en:services:network_services:eduroam:#username|Username]]. 
 +Please enter **eduroam@gwdg.de** as "Anonymous identity". Some Android devices expect the domain to be entered. Please enter **eduroam.gwdg.de** here. Once the correct information has been entered and confirmed, the connection to the eduroam Wi-Fi network is established permanently. 
 +{{ :en:services:network_services:eduroam:android_eduroam-install_eng_12.jpg?200 |}}
 +If you are out of range of the eduroam Wi-Fi network, you can set up eduroam manually via -> **Settings** → **Connections** → **Wi-Fi** → **Add network**.  In the window that opens, you will be asked to enter the 
 + [[en:services:network_services:eduroam:android:#eduroam_configuration_table| eduroam configuration parameters]] (see also the screenshot for the network settings).
 +{{ :en:services:network_services:eduroam:android:android_eduroam-install_eng_14.jpg?200 |}}
 +==== eduroam configuration table====
 +| **Network name** \\ (please type in using lowercase)        | eduroam                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
 +| **Security**                                                                          | 802.1x EAP                                                    |
 +| **EAP Method**                                                                   | PEAP                                                             |
 +| **Phase 2-Authentifizierung**                                              | MSCHAPV2                                                   |
 +| ** CA certificate** \\ (see [[|Root certificate]])                       | T-Telesec Global Root Class 2 \\ (valid until Oktober 1, 2033)  |
 +| ** Identity** \\  (see section [[https://info.gwdg.de/docs/doku.php?id=en:services:network_services:eduroam:start#username| Username]])  | your username                                                   |
 +| ** Anonymous identity** \\            | eduroam@gwdg.de                                       |
 +| **Password**                                                                                                                     | The same password as you use for logging into the GWDG portal. You can tick "Show password" checkbox, if you wish to check the password is entered correctly.                                                                   ||
 +=====Update the Wi-Fi password after changing the GWDG account password=====
 +**Note:** Update your WiFi password on your Android device after changing password for your account. If you have changed the password or entered an incorrect one, an "authentication problem" will occur. To do this, navigate to "eduroam" as described above.
 +Tap and hold the saved network eduroam to delete or change connection settings. Select "Manage network settings".
 +=====Storage of the Wi-Fi password =====
 +Android devices offer the backup of data at Google. This allows extensive personal data, including the WLAN password, to be stored unencrypted on Google servers. This function is activated by default in a Google account that has been set up. 
 +According to the university's password policy, passwords may not be passed on to third parties. Therefore this option must not be activated when using the GWDG identifier for eduroam. You can deactivate this option in the Anroid settings. 
 +<WRAP center round important 85%>
 +According to  [[http://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/59845.html | the university's password policy]] , passwords may not be passed on to third parties. Therefore this option must not be activated when using the GWDG identifier for eduroam. You can deactivate this option in the Anroid settings. 
 +As an alternative backup solution can be e.g. the App Helium may be used (check German article in “GWDG-Nachrichten” [[https://www.gwdg.de/documents/20182/27257/GN_03-2015_www.pdf#10| Helium Backup für Android]] ). The App Helium does not require system route and can backup data encrypted. 