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en:services:storage_services:backup:tsm:anleitungen:beispiel-dsm [2015/10/27 15:01] – [Windows] bnachtwen:services:storage_services:backup:tsm:anleitungen:beispiel-dsm [2024/06/21 11:29] (current) – [Examples for Configuration FIles] jbruene
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 +====== Examples for Configuration FIles ======
 +<WRAP center round tip 90%>
 +The following files are examples. This means the details for ''TCPPort'', ''TCPServeraddress'' or ''NODEName'' do not correspond to the parameters of the GWDG-TSM servers and must be replaced with the correct values accordingly.
 +===== Linux / Unix / MacOS =====
 +==== dsm.sys ====
 +SErvername test.tsm.gwdg.de
 +  COMMMethod         TCPip   
 +  TCPServeradress    test.tsm.gwdg.de
 +  TCPPort            2999
 +  CHAngingretries    2
 +  * some in-/exclude rules
 +  include.encrypt    /etc/.../*
 +  include.encrypt    /home/.../*
 +  exclude.dir        /tmp
 +  exclude.dir        /var
 +  VIRTUALMountpoint  /etc
 +  VIRTUALMountpoint  /home
 +==== dsm.opt ====
 +SERVERName test.tsm.gwdg.de
 +   DOMAIN   /
 +   DOMAIN   /etc
 +   DOMAIN   /home
 +   SUBDIR   Yes
 +   QUIET
 +===== Windows =====
 +==== dsm.opt ====
 +Windows uses only __one__ configurations file //dsm.opt//.
 +SErvername test.tsm.gwdg.de
 +  COMMMethod            TCPip
 +  TCPServeradress       test.tsm.gwdg.de
 +  TCPPort               2999
 +  NODEName              Wintest
 +  PASSWORDAccess        GENERATE
 +  MANAGEDServices       SCHEDULE
 +  ERRORLOGName          "C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsmerror.log"
 +  ERRORLOGMax           1 G
 +  SCHEDLOGName          "C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsmsched.log"
 +  SCHEDLOGMax           1 G
 +  CHAngingretries       2
 +  MEMORYEFficientbackup DISKCACHEMethod
 +  DISKCACHELocation     "D:\TSMCache\"
 +  * some in-/exclude rules
 +  INCLUDE.ENCRYPT       "*:\Users\...\*
 +  EXCLUDE.DIR           "C:\Windows"
 +  EXCLUDE.DIR           "C:\Program Files"
 +  EXCLUDE.DIR           "C:\Program Files (x86)"
 +  DOMAIN               "\\WinTest\c$\"