====== eduMFA Authenticator-App ====== ==== What exactly is this? ==== The eduMFA authenticator app is available for iOS and Android devices from the respective app stores. [[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.edumfa.authenticator&hl=gsw|{{:de:services:general_services:customer_portal:security:two_factor_authentication:getitongoogleplay_badge_web_color_english.png?200|}}]] [[https://apps.apple.com/us/app/edumfa-authenticator/id6479982721|{{:de:services:general_services:customer_portal:security:two_factor_authentication:download_on_the_app_store_badge_us-uk_rgb_blk_092917.svg?200}}]] ==== Requirements: ==== To use this token type, you need to install the eduMFA Authenticator App. ==== Einrichtung: ==== Open your account portal as described [[de:services:general_services:customer_portal:security:two_factor_authentication|here]] unter der Überschrift under the heading “How do I set up an additional factor?" 1. Install the eduMFA app on your smartphone 2. In the Academiccloud account portal, go to “Security” and then “eduMFA Authenticator App”. Click on “Secure my account” 3. Enter a suitable description for the token so that you can identify it later. 4. Open the eduMFA app on your smartphone and scan the QR code displayed in the account portal {{ de:services:general_services:customer_portal:security:two_factor_authentication:methods:todo:edumfa1.png?direct&600 |}} 5. If the QR code has been scanned successfully, an entry will be created in the app. This may take a few minutes. The setup is complete as soon as “Generate RSA key pair” is no longer displayed. {{ de:services:general_services:customer_portal:security:two_factor_authentication:methods:todo:edumfa2.png?direct&400 |}} 6. After you have completed the setup on your device, the security key is also stored in your GWDG account. 7. Then click on “QR-CODE GESCANNT” (Qr-Code scanned) 8. The security key is set up and can be used.