====== Cisco AnyConnect (Android) ======
Here you can find instruction for setting up Cisco's //AnyConnect// app for using GWDG's VPN service on Android devices.
This guide should only be used if there is a specific reason not to use [[en:services:network_services:vpn:eduvpn|eduVPN]]!
===== Installation =====
You can find the free app //AnyConnect// [[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cisco.anyconnect.vpn.android.avf|here at Google Play Store]]. Alternatively, search for //anyconnect// in Google Play Store and choose the app offered by //Cisco Systems// that is suitable for your device.
The following screen shots show the set up on an Android 9 device. Most of the steps include images. To display the respective screenshot, click on //screenshot//.
1. Install the app and open it.++ (Screenshot) |
{{ :de:services:network_services:vpn:01.png |Cisco AnyConnect}} ++
2. On first start, the License Agreement pops up. You have to accept it in order to use the app.
3. Depending on your Android version you may be asked to give the permission for making calls to //AnyConnect//. It is necessary that you accept this in order to make the VPN work. ++ (Screenshot) |
{{ :de:services:network_services:vpn:05.png |Give permissions}} ++
4. Click on //Connection//.++ (Screenshot) |
{{ :de:services:network_services:vpn:06.png |}} ++
5. Click on //Add new VPN connection//.++ (Screenshot) |
{{ :de:services:network_services:vpn:07.png |}} ++
6. Click on //Server address// and enter **vpn.gwdg.de** or an alternative gateway such as **vpn-b.gwdg.de**.++ (Screenshot) |
{{ :de:services:network_services:vpn:10.png |}} ++\\
**We encourage you to use vpn-b.gwdg.de or vpn-c.gwdg.de as your gateway as vpn.gwdg.de is currently under heavy load and may work less reliably.**
7. Enter a freely chosen description (name) for your VPN connection. Then click on //Done//.
8. Click on the name of the newly created VPN connection.++ (Screenshot) |
{{ :de:services:network_services:vpn:13.png |}} ++
9. Activate the VPN by pressing the toggle.++ (Screenshot) |
{{ :de:services:network_services:vpn:14.png |VPN aktivieren}} ++
It is possible that you receive a warning about the VPN server not being trustworthy.
In this case, please contact [[https://gwdg.de/support|our support]].
10. Enter your credentials. The //user name// is usually your email address or the user name of your account. Then click on //Connect//.++ (Screenshot) |
{{ :de:services:network_services:vpn:16.png |}} ++
11. If a dialogue is shown for //Connection Request//, press //OK//.++ (Screenshot) |
{{ :de:services:network_services:vpn:19.png |}} ++
The VPN is now active. You can see a lock symbol in the status bar of your device.++ (Screenshot) |
{{ :de:services:network_services:vpn:20.png |}} ++
In order to disconnect, you can toggle the connection inside the app.
It is not possible to save your password across multiple sessions.
===== Ongoing usage =====
Depending on your Android version it may be possible to have the VPN active at all times.
1. Enter the network settings for your device and press on //Network and Internet//.
2. Press on //VPN//.
3. Press the gear on the right side of the menu that displays //AnyConnect//.
4. Choose //Continuously activate VPN// and //Block connections without active VPN// if this is required.