====== Windows Remote Desktop Server ====== There are three Remote Desktop Server (former: Windows Terminal Server) available: * **gwd-wints1.top.gwdg.de** - software for all GWDG accounts, freeware or campus licensed * **gwd-wints5.top.gwdg.de** - software for Active Directory administrators * **gwd-wintsbio.top.gwdg.de** - Compute Server for statistics (SAS, Statistica, Stata, R-Studio-Desktop, Excel) and bioinformatics. There is a special registration needed for this server. [[support@gwdg.de?subject=Bioinformatik | E-Mail]] * **vcenter.rds.gwdg.de** - access to the VMware vCenter server to manage vms ===== Remote Desktop Server "GWD-WinTS1" ===== The Remote Desktop Server **gwd-wints1.top.gwdg.de** is available for all GWDG user accounts. Here you find freeware and software licensed for all users. A remote desktop client (RDP client) is needed to connect to the server: * **Windows 10 oder 11**: search for //Remote Desktop Connection// -> "gwd-wints1.top.gwdg.de", ''GWDG\//username//'' and your password * **Linux**: remmina or xFreeRDP. The syntax for xFreeRDP is: ''xfreerdp /u:GWDG\\//Benutzername// /v:gwd-wints1.top.gwdg.de'' * **Macintosh**:We recommend the Microsoft Remote Desktop Client from the App Store. Please notice: The server restarts every night at 4:00am ! Save your files and log off after work. ===== Access from outside of GÖNET ===== The Remote Desktop Server are accessable within the GÖNET. From outside you need a VPN connection: [[de:services:network_services:vpn:start|VPN-Server]] .