====== Create and Manage Instances ======
This manual provide a quick help on how to create, delete, and resize your instance using [[https://cloud.gwdg.de/horizon/project/instances/| Instances Dashboard]].
**To login:** \\
Authenticate using: Keystone Credentials \\
Domain: gwdg \\
User Name: your academic email (e.g. myname@gwdg.de) \\
Password: your Password \\
===== Create your first instance =====
In GWDG horizon dashboard, you can create a virtual machine by following these steps:
1- From the left menu bar, select project->compute→Instances and then click "launch Instance". {{:en:services:server_services:gwdg_cloud_server:new:lunch_instance_buttom.png?direct&400|}}
2- Determine an instance name and click "next". {{:en:services:server_services:gwdg_cloud_server:new:lunch_instance_1_name.png?direct&400|}}
3- For the source of an instance, there are several options:
* **Image with a root volume:**
* From "Select Boot Source", select image (or instance snapshot if you have one).
* Set "Create New Volume" to Yes.
* Select your desired image from the ones with "(ssd)" in their name. The other options refer to slow, legacy hard disk based storage and will be removed soon!
* Set "Delete Volume on Instance Delete" to No, so the volume won't be deleted by deleting the instance. Then, you would be able to create a new instance (as a copy of current one) using the existing volume.
* **From an existing volume:**
* From "Select Boot Source", select volume (or volume snapshot if you have one).
* Set "Delete Volume on Instance Delete" to No.
* Select your desired volume from the displayed list.
* **Image without root volume (not recommended):**
* From "Select Boot Source", select image (or instance snapshot if you have one).
* Set "Create New Volume" to No.
* Select your desired image from the ones without ssd in their name.
4- After configuring the source, click "next".
5- Specify your desired flavor which is limited to your quota. {{:en:services:server_services:gwdg_cloud_server:new:lunch_instance_3_flavor.png?direct&400|}}
6- Skip "Network" and "Network ports" by clicking "next".
7- If you have any specific security groups rather than default, in "Security Groups" section, select your desired one and remove "default" and click "next". {{:en:services:server_services:gwdg_cloud_server:new:lunch_instance_6_security.png?direct&400|}}
8- If you want to connect your instance via ssh, in "Key Pair" section, select (or import) your public ssh keys and then click "Launch Instance". {{:en:services:server_services:gwdg_cloud_server:new:lunch_instance_7_keys.png?direct&400|}}
9- Wait until the status of instance is "Active" and the power state shows "Running". {{:en:services:server_services:gwdg_cloud_server:new:instance_building.png?direct&400|}} \\
----- \\ {{:en:services:server_services:gwdg_cloud_server:new:instance_running.png?direct&400|}}
===== Manage Instances =====
There are several actions which can be applied on a running instance. You can see the list of them by clicking the small arrow on the very right of each instance row.
You can stop instance from working by either **Pause Instance** , **Suspend Instance** or **Shut Off Instance**.
The instance can be restarted by either **Soft Reboot Instance** or **Hard Reboot Instance**.
You can increase the memory or CPU of an instance using **Resize Instance** option. Notice that it is not possible to decrease the resources of an instance. After clicking, in pop-up page, select the new size (should be larger than current size) and click on "Resize".
Wait a little until the Status shows "Confirm or Revert Resize/Migrate", then click on the button on the right titled now as "Confirm resize/migrate" and wait until the Status is "Running" again.
{{ :en:services:server_services:gwdg_cloud_server:new:instance_actions.png?direct&200 |}}