====== Common Errorcodes ======
Many tips are given in the document [[https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSTFZR_7.1.0/com.ibm.itsm.msgs.server.doc/b_msgs_server.pdf|Server Messages and Error Codes]], especially in [[https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSTFZR_7.1.0/com.ibm.itsm.msgs.server.doc/b_msgs_server.pdf#%5B%7B%22num%22%3A2426%2C%22gen%22%3A0%7D%2C%7B%22name%22%3A%22XYZ%22%7D%2C65%2C709%2Cnull%5D|Chapter 4. Descriptions of I/O codes in server messages]] or in the [[https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSTFZR_7.1.0/com.ibm.itsm.tshoot.doc/b_problem_deter_guide.pdf|Problem Determination Guide ISP7.1.0]] or [[https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEQVQ_8.1.0/tshoot/b_problem_deter_guide2.pdf?view=kc|Problem Determination Guide ISP8.1.0]]
This page will move to the [[en:services:storage_services:backup:tsm:admin:opdoc:start|Operational Documentation of SP at GWDG]]
===== ANR1664W =====
trying to remove a replication server fails:
Protect: SM286>del server SM287
ANR1664W DELETE SERVER: Server SM287 is currently in use.
ANS8001I Return code 12.
- remove //ReplicationNode// relationships: REMove REPLnode SERVER=
- if this fail due to //ANR3443W / ANR1632E// look below
- try again
- if it fails, because it was the last Replication Server you need to assign a //blank one// by issuing the command //without// a servername given: SET REPLServer
- try again
===== ANR3443W / ANR1632E =====
Trying to remove a replication relationship from a node fails like this
ANR3443W When the REMOVE REPLNODE command was run, one or more nodes (KOPAL-TEST) were skipped because they are not configured to replicate data to the specified server SM287.
ANR3445I If a node has no replication associations with any servers, you must specify an empty string (server="") for the SERVER parameter for the REMOVE REPLNODE command to reset a node's replication state. If the node has a replication association with one or more
servers, you must specify a valid target replication server name.
ANR1632E REMOVE REPLNODE: Command failed. Replication state information for the specified nodes could not be removed.
* remove replicationnode with no server, using just two quote marks: REMove REPLNode REPLServer=''
===== ANR8302E =====
==== KEY = 05 ====
"KEY = 05" means //Problems accessing Drive//
in relation with
^ ASC/ASCQ ^ Meaning ^ Source ^
|ASC=26 , ASCQ=00 + ANR8533W | Due to the 'CHECKTAPEPOS' setting ISP is unable to set the drive to 'APPENDONLY' | [[https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/spectrum-protect/8.1.12?topic=list-anr0010w#ANR8533W| IBM-Documentation]] |
==== KEY = 06 ====
"KEY = 06" means "Unit Attention"
in relation with
^ ASC/ASCQ ^ Meaning ^ Source ^
| ASC=2A, ASCQ=03 | SCSI reservation error because several TSM instances use the same persisten name | [[https://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg1IT03879]] |
| ASC=29 , ASCQ=00 | "Power-on, reset, bus reset" | [[https://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg1IT20573]] |
==== KEY = FF ====
===== ANR8460E =====
ANR8460E AUDIT LIBRARY process for library failed.
^ in combination with ^ possible reason ^ solution ^
| ''ANR9024E There are no drives available.'' | at least one drive is not available | check drives and make **all** available |
| ::: | ::: | check if drives are rotten and if so, remove their definition and paths **completely** |
===== ANR8840E =====
==== error number 2 ====
^ PVRRC ^ Meaning ^ Source ^ Solution ^
| 2843 | unable to access gripper device | -- | restart Lintape daemon or Wintape service |
==== error number 11 ====
^ PVRRC ^ Meaning ^ Source ^ Solution ^
| 2845 | Unable to open device | ''audit library'' failed after drives / paths got unavailable | scsi information mismatch: |
| ::: | ::: | ::: | * reboot server |
| ::: | ::: | ::: | * reboot library |
| ::: | ::: | ::: | * force rescan scsi bus on device layer |
| ::: | ::: | ::: | * check if the lintape driver is running ;-) |
===== ANR8779E =====
ANR 8779E Unable to open drive , error number= 2
in combination with
==== ANR1401W ====
ANR1401W Mount request denied for volume - mount failed.
Possible Reasons:
* SCSI connection lost on Library Client:
* Solution: rescan the SCSI bus:\\ => run as root: ''rescan-scsi-bus.sh''
* Persitent Naming fails due to an temporary SCSI-Error
* Solution: let the udev daemon reload the rules:\\ => run as root: ''udevadm trigger''