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To see the available Gaussian versions and variants, run
module av gaussian
Then modify the following job script according to your needs (e.g. different gaussian version).
Example for the version 16 (gaussian-src/16-C.01):
#!/bin/sh #SBATCH -p fat #SBATCH -n 24 #SBATCH -N 1 #SBATCH -C "scratch" #SBATCH -t 24:00:00 #Load Module module load gaussian #Setup Gaussian . $g16root/g16/bsd/g16.profile #Setup directory for temporary files to the automatically created $TMP_SCRATCH directory #This will be automatically cleaned up at the end of the job. export GAUSS_SCRDIR=${TMP_SCRATCH} #start calculation g16 myjob.log exit 0
This tells the batch system to submit the job to partition fat and require 24 processors on one host (-N 1) for 24 hours. Please make sure that contains the line '%nprocshared=24' (without quotes) in the Link0 section! '%nprocshared' must equal the number of processes you reserve with the '-n' option. Save the script as myjob.job, for example, and submit with
sbatch myjob.job