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Multi-factor authentication

The Academiccloud customer portal offers the option of activating multi-factor authentication. This will be necessary in the future to log in to GWDG services.

What is this?

In general, a combination of username or email address and individual password is used to verify a user's identity. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) provides an additional layer of security beyond traditional passwords.

From 15.09.2025, all services connected to the AcademicCloud Single Sign-On (SSO) will be secured with Multifactor Authentication (MFA).

When? Which services?

When will the multifactor authentification become mandatory?

Date What will happen?
13.May 2025 MFA obligation for the use of VPN for Göttingen University
Summer semester 2025 Gradual MFA obligation for further services (more details to follow)
15.September 2025 Mandatory MFA for all: employees and students should have a second factor registered

How do I register a second factor?

I need Yubikeys

You can find more information about the timetable for the multi-factor obligation and the procurement of Yubikeys here:

Get Yubikeys


How do I set up an additional factor?

If you have not yet set up a second factor, the following message will appear after logging in to the Academiccloud account portal:

The various factors are displayed after logging in to the Academiccloud customer portal and switching to the “Security” tab on the left-hand side of the window. They can be set up by clicking on “Secure My Account”.

Manage multi-factor authentication in the customer portal

In the Academiccloud customer portal, various factors can be set up and managed. The following options are available:

The GWDG recommends using a FIDO2/Passkey or the eduMFA app.

Important: After setting up the new factor, a recovery token will be created for you. This must be stored in a safe place. It is particularly important to store this code securely and consciously, as:

Are you having problems with the second factor? Perhaps you will find your question answered in our chapter: Troubleshoot/FAQ
If your questions are not answered, please contact with your question.

Login with two-factor confirmation

After successfully setting up an additional factor, a second factor is now required when logging in to single sign-on services. The login process then involves the following steps:

1. First, the email address or username and password must be entered as usual. If you wish, you can check the “ANGEMELDET BLEIBEN” box to remember your login credentials before confirming your username to shorten the process the next time you use the service.

2. Now one of the configured factors must be selected.

3. The begin of the authentication process varies depending on the selected factor.

4. After successful authentication, you will be logged in automatically.

Resetting the factors

If other authentication services (TOTP, FIDO2/Passkeys, eduMFA) are no longer available to restore the account, e.g. if the smartphone is lost or broken, the recovery code generated when the second factor was first set up must be used to reset the MFA.

The token can only be used once. Therefore, a new recovery token must be created after each use. Go to: Use the recovery code to reset your factors. Set up a new second factor.


Login after setting up an MFA
Deleting factors
FIDO2 / Passkeys

Data protection

To generate the code, only the token transmitted to the mobile phone via QR code and the current system time of the phone are required. A data connection to an external service is not necessary - the generation can therefore also take place when “airplane mode” is activated.

The transfer of the username in connection with the domain “” (included in the QR code) is used exclusively to distinguish the different entries in the app.