The remote loader is used to synchronize data between the meta directory and the connected system (AD, LDAP, MySQL, etc). It is required to open the communication port (default 8090 (TCP) incoming) for the following IP addresses within your firewall:
For system requirements see: System requirements
Remote loader files: - download -
Remote loader service pack: - download -
Sectigo-chain: - download -
Documentation remote loader installation (NetIQ) P. 47 ff: - link -
Documentation remote loader configuration (NetIQ) P. 32 ff: - link -
Documentation Creating an Administrative Account (NetIQ) P. 26 ff: - link -
PW-Filter installation P 47 ff: - link -
childitem -path C:\Downloads\RemoteLoader4.8Setup -recurse | unblock-file
of service pack dirxml_remote.exe
. The installation on Linux systems differs between certified systems (eg SLES 15, RHEL 8, etc. see ) and non-certified systems. If you are using a non-certified system eg. Ubuntu the Java remote loader has to be installed.
Remote loader files: - download -
Remote loader service pack: - download -
Sectigo-chain: - download -
Documentation remote loader installation (NetIQ) P. 65ff: - link -
The 32Bit version of glibc has to be installed on x86_64 systems:
yum install glibc.i686
chmod -R 755 * ./idm_linux.bin -i silent -f
Remote Loader files: - download -
Sectigo-chain: - download -
Documentation remote loader installation (NetIQ) P. 75ff: - link -
and create_keystore
executable./create_keystore Sectigo-chain.b64
jarlist=`ls /opt/novell/eDirectory/lib/dirxml/classes/*.jar` jarlist=`ls /<installation path>/lib/*.jar`
-commandport 8000 -connection "port=8090 keystore='<installation path>/dirxml.keystore' storepass=dirxml" -trace 4 -tracefile ./trace8000.log -tracefilemax 10M -class com.novell.nds.dirxml.driver.ldap.LDAPDriverShim
./dirxml_jremote -config config8000.txt -sp <remote loader password> <driver object password>
./dirxml_jremote -config config8000.txt
#!/bin/sh INSTDIR=/opt/novell/eDirectory USER=ldap export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH cd $INSTDIR case "$1" in stop) kill `ps aux | grep '[d]irxml_remote' | awk '{ print $2}'` ;; start|*) echo -n " rloader" exec > /dev/null 2>&1 touch trace8000.log chown $USER trace8000.log su $USER -c "$INSTDIR/dirxml_jremote -config $INSTDIR/config8000.txt &" ;; esac
[Unit] Description=IDM Remote Loader After=docker.service [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/opt/novell/remoteloader/dirxml_jremote -config config8000.txt WorkingDirectory=/opt/novell/remoteloader User=remoteloader Group=remoteloader Restart=on-failure [Install]
Import Univention CA to Keystore to allow self signed LDAP certificate LDAP Certificate must also be available in Keystore
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias univention-ca -file /opt/idm/univention-ca.pem -keystore dirxml.keystore keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias ldap -file /opt/idm/ldap.pem -keystore dirxml.keystore