jamf Pro is a capable and powerful tool for iOS and macOS client management. It also provides a Mobile Device Management and integrates with (the) Apple School Manager for educational institutions. The solution is suitable for multiple use cases like mobile working groups and iPad classes. The GWDG offers this tool to the Max Planck Society and the University of Göttingen at attractive conditions.
Provided packages and policies can be customized reflecting the needs of your institution/organization. Software can be withdrawn from a machine and put back in to the license pool if a user leaves the institute. Apps brought with vpp and deployed using jamf Pro don’t need an individual Apple ID.
Increased security of your systems through policy-based prevention of non-authorized and potential malware.
A GWDG Account is recommended as the jamf Pro uses the Active Directory of the GWDG. If your institution isn’t connected to the AD new accounts will be created in jamf Pro itself.
jamf Pro is multi-client capable. That’s why each institute has its own “site” which can be adapted according to the needs of the institute.
The licenses for educational purposes are provided for free by JAMF but there is an annual maintenance fee. The annual fee is 10,14 € for iOS and 20,28 € for macOS. If you are interested please send an email including number of iOS and macOS clients you want to manage to support@gwdg.de.