IP Address Management System (IPAM)

GWDG is managing its IP address space via an IP Address Management System (IPAM) at https://ipam.gwdg.de, which is providing a web-based graphical user interface for management tasks and integrated appliance für DNS and DHCP services.

Usage of this IPAM System is offered to Max Planck Institutes for management of there own address spaces and DNS zones.

For the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, which is using GWDG's address space, management of their parts of address spaces is delegated to the “Netzwerkbeauftragte” of the universities institutes. “Netzwerkbeauftragte” are appointed via the form "Benennung von Netzwerkbeauftragten" by the managing director of an institute. (We need the original document by post)

GWDG is offering short introductions (two hours) into the IPAM system for “Netzwerkbeauftragte” two times a year. Times and detail of these lectures can be found in GWDG's course program. A script (in German language) to this lecture can be found in the course scripts section. The complete vendor documentation is available from the web GUI.

Articels describing the IPAM system where published in GWDG-Nachrichten in November 2008, November 2009 and December 2009.

Deployment schedules

Since 15.04.2019 the following deployment times apply:

Time Deploy
05 am DHCP, DNS
07 am DHCP
08 am DHCP
09 am DHCP, DNS
10 am DHCP
11 am DHCP
12 pm DHCP, DNS
01 pm DHCP
02 pm DHCP
03 pm DHCP, DNS
04 pm DHCP
05 pm DHCP
06 pm DHCP
07 pm DHCP