Table of Contents

Resource Mailboxes


A resource mailbox is a special mailbox designed to be used to schedule and track events held in a single location such as a conference room or allocate equipment such as beamer or car to personnel. Resource mailboxes are associated with disabled Active Directory user accounts. Regular email items are not kept in this type of mailbox. There are two types of resource mailboxes:

In order to manage meeting requests, a resource mailbox can have delegates with various levels of control. However, it has no single owner. Both types of resource mailboxes can be included in meeting request, this provides a simple and efficient way for users to use resources. Resource mailboxes are configured to process incoming meeting requests based on defined resource booking policies. For example:

  1. a room mailbox can be configured to automatically accept incoming meeting requests from the director and other requests required a delegate’s approval, or
  2. a room mailbox can automatically accept meeting requests excepts recurring meeting requests that should be approved by resource delegate.

Requesting Resource Mailbox

To request a resource mailbox, send email to and specify the following:

Configuration of Resource Mailboxes

Usually, resource mailbox configuration is done by GWDG Exchange administrators. However, the resource’s administrator, only in Outlook Web Access (OWA), can also modify and configure some settings.

How to configure your resource mailbox?

  1. You can access your resource mailbox in one of the following two ways:
    • From within OWA (
      • Log in using your admin account, click the arrow next to your name in the upper-right corner of the page. You will see the Open Other Mailbox window.
      • Type the alias (or display name) of your resource mailbox in the text area and click Open.
    • You can go directly to your resource mailbox (e.g.; by entering:
  2. After the resource mailbox opens, click the Option button found toward the upper-right of the screen and then click on See All Options…
  3. Click Settings from the menu on the left, and then click on the Resource icon in the ribbon.

Resource Scheduling Options

The first check box “Automatically process meeting requests and cancellations” is the entry point for the other scheduling options below. If you don’t check this box, none of the settings bellow will take effect.

Resource Scheduling Permissions

The Schedule Permissions settings allow you to control who can schedule the resource in which situation. There are three various scheduling situations:

  1. Users who can schedule automatically if the resource is available.
  2. Users who can submit a scheduling request that requires delegate’s approval if the resource is available.
  3. Users who can schedule automatically if the resource is available and submit a request for manual approval if the resource is unavailable.

Everyone: means all Exchange users (not only users of your institute) can schedule the resources. We don’t recommend this setting at all. Select users and groups: this option allows you to specify a group of uses to schedule the resource if it is available. We always recommend the use of the Exchange static lists or security groups.

Resource Privacy Options

These options control the information included in requests and cancellations sent to the resource mailbox, which will affect the resource’s calendar settings not the calendars of the attendees. These settings is set by an Exchange administrator.

Response Message

Check the box labeled “Add additional text to be included in responses to meeting requests” and enter your message in the blank text box. This message will be sent with the automated responses sent from the resource mailbox.

Scheduling a meeting room in Outlook

The organizer would follow the following steps to schedule a meeting room:

Depending on the resource mailbox configuration, the resource (room) could accept/reject the meeting automatically based on its availability or requires an approval from the resource mailbox delegate. If an approval is required, until the delegate accepts the request the meeting request will appear as tentative for the meeting participants.

Scheduling a meeting room in Outlook Web Access (OWA)

In in a similar procedure like with Outlook above, an organizer would follow the following steps to schedule a meeting room on OWA:

Similarly, all participants will see the meeting request. The request will be consider as tentative if an approval by the resource delegate is required.