
error code=2

symptoms & effects

ANR 8779E Unable to open drive <NAME>, error number= 2
  • Drives go unavailable on Library Client
  • Also Error message
    ANR1401W Mount request denied for volume <NAME> - mount failed.

Explanation & Remedy

Possible Reasons:

SCSI connection lost on Library Client

  • check if all tape drives are still visible on client
    • Linux: lssci | grep tape, lssci | grep tape | wc -l
  • rescan scsi-bus:
    • Linux: rescan-scsi'.sh
  • restart Tape Driver
    • Linux : /etc/initi.d/lin_tape restart

Persitent Naming fails due to an temporary SCSI-Error

  • Linux: reload udev admin rules: udevadm trigger

error code=16

symptoms & effects

ANR 8779E Unable to open drive <NAME>, error number= 16
  • Drives go unavailable on Library Manager, Path to drives go offline
  • Also Error message
    ANR8779E Unable to open drive <NAME>, error number= 16.

Explanation & Remedy

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