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en:services:storage_services:backup:tsm:admin [2023/03/01 12:24] – [SQL for DB2 @ TSM/ISP] bnachtwen:services:storage_services:backup:tsm:admin [2023/05/25 07:30] (current) – [free TSM tools / scripts / link collections / ...] bnachtw
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 +====== TSM Admin's Corner: background information, tipps 'n' tricks ======
 +===== Background information =====
 +  * [[en:services:storage_services:backup:tsm:admin:inst_quickguide|Installation Quick Guide]] (main steps from the //Installation Guide//)
 +  * [[en:services:storage_services:backup:tsm:admin:things|nice to know]] a collection of useful information around TSM, Tape and so on
 +  * [[en:services:storage_services:backup:tsm:admin:accounting|TSM-Accounting]] some infos on build-in accounting
 +  * Poster by IBM [[http://publibfp.dhe.ibm.com/epubs/pdf/c3294640.pdf| "TSM Basic Concepts"]](covers TSM5.5, but still useful)
 +===== tipps 'n' tricks =====
 +  * [[en:services:storage_services:backup:tsm:admin:dsmadmc_man|Manpage on "dsmadmc"]]
 +  * [[en:services:storage_services:backup:tsm:admin:maintenance_mode|Starting the server in maintenance mode]]
 +  * [[en:services:storage_services:backup:tsm:admin:start_in_screen|Starting the server in a screen (Linux only)]]
 +  * [[en:services:storage_services:backup:tsm:admin:undocumented| not documented options on admin commands]]
 +  * [[en:services:storage_services:backup:tsm:admin:errorcodes| common Error codes]]
 +  * [[en:services:storage_services:backup:tsm:admin:Excludes| using excludes mores sophisticated]]
 +  * [[https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEQVQ_8.1.9/client/c_opt_setbyserver.html | Client options that can be set by the Spectrum Protect server (SP-8.1.9)]]
 +  * [[en:services:storage_services:backup:tsm:admin:mfa| using multi-factor authentication (MFA) with TSM^H ISP]]
 +  * [[en:services:storage_services:backup:tsm:admin:fc_stuff| some useful commands around fibre channel]]
 +  * [[en:services:storage_services:backup:tsm:admin:servermon| IBM's servermon tool -- link and remarks]]
 +  * [[en:services:storage_services:backup:tsm:admin:diskperfmon| IBM's diskperf tool -- link and remarks]]
 +  * [[en:services:storage_services:backup:tsm:admin:scriptworkaround| a workaround for running more complex or external scripts]]
 +  * [[en:services:storage_services:backup:tsm:admin:SP8Unbuntu18| Running SP8.1* on Ubuntu 18]]
 +===== operational documentation =====
 +In this section we start the documentation of the Spectrum Protect Operation at GWDG (as long as it's not confidental)
 +  * [[en:services:storage_services:backup:tsm:admin:opdoc:installation| Installation and configuration of SP servers ]]
 +  * [[en:services:storage_services:backup:tsm:admin:opdoc:errorsituation| Error: Approaches and solutions to cope with]]
 +===== Workarounds =====
 +Sometimes TSM/ISP does (yet) not provide functionality the admins deserve, so let's develop some workarounds :-)
 +  * [[en:services:storage_services:backup:tsm:admin:workarounds:3sitereplication| 3 site replication ]]
 +===== useful links =====
 +==== towards IBM Docs ====
 +  * [[https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSGSG7_7.1.7/srv.reference/r_cmd_ref.html| ISP 7.1.7 Admin Command Reference]]
 +  * [[https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSGSG7_7.1.7/srv.reference/r_opt_server.html | ISP 7.1.7 Server Options]]
 +  * <del>[[https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSGSG7_7.1.6/client/c_cmd_using.html| ISP 7.1.6 Client Command Reference]] -- Links towards Commands are __below__ the commands short reference / overview!</del> \\ Once again, IBM has (so called) //improved// their web and **many information have vanished** :´-( . . .  unfortunately even archive.org has no copy ... :´´-( \\ so let's hope they won't delete the old ones like this
 +    * [[https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSGSG7_7.1.2/com.ibm.itsm.client.doc/c_opt_clioptref.html| TSM 7.1.2 Client Options Reference]] -- Links towards Commands are __below__ the commands short reference / overview!</del>
 +    * Once again, IBM has (so called) //improved// their web //again// and just //changing the version// **does not** lead to the new client options reference -- but we expected this and so please take a look here:\\ [[https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSEQVQ_8.1.4/client/c_opt_clioptref.html | TSM 8.1.4 Client Options Reference]]
 +  * [[https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSGSG7_7.1.6/perf/b_perf_tuning_guide2.pdf| ISP 7.1.6 Performance Tuning Guide]]
 +  * [[https://www-03.ibm.com/software/sla/sladb.nsf/searchlis/?searchview&searchorder=4&searchmax=0&query=(Spectrum+Protect) | IBM's License Information documents on "Spectrum+Protect"]]
 +  * [[https://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21239415 | IBM Spectrum Protect Downloads - Latest Fix Packs and Interim Fixes]]
 +  * [[https://adsm.org/forum/index.php?threads/node-replication-stuck-or-even-not-running.31770/| Return Codes of TSM/ISP scripts]]
 +==== ISP and Third Party Stuff ====
 +nothing by now
 +==== free TSM tools / scripts / link collections / ... ====
 +  * [[https://www.tsm-pa-solutions.com/downloadfreeware | TSM Poweradministrator]] : free version with limited functionality -- by // ISS Software Development & IT Services Ralf Affeldt//
 +  * [[http://www.spiritsoftware.biz/tsm-script-editor/ | TSM Script Editor]] : graphical Editor for TSM scripts -- by //Spirtit-Software//
 +  * [[https://github.com/thobiast/tsm_sql | Stuff about IBM Tivoli Storage Manager]] : sql (see below), scripts, ... -- by //Thobias Salazar Trevisan at github//
 +     * [[http://thobias.org/tsm/ | old html page]]
 +  * [[http://www.mm-it.at/ | Michael Malitz's Homepage ]] : Link collection, some hints, trainings by //MM-IT//
 +   * [[https://people.bu.edu/rbs/TSM_Aids.html | Richard B Sims TSM Aids]] besides the quick facts Richard provides a perl script for reading the ''dsmaccnt.log'' file on this page
 +      [[https://people.bu.edu/rbs/ADSM.QuickFacts | Richard B Sims ADSM Quick Facts]] last updated 2013/10/04 -- but still a wide pool of background information :-)
 +  * not to forget: Bruno Friess' newsletter on TSM and ISP. You need to apply for it [[info@exstor.com]]-- by //ExStor GmbH//
 +==== SQL for DB2 @ TSM/ISP ====
 +  * [[https://github.com/thobiast/tsm_sql | SQL for Tivoli Storage Manager]] : a collection of links around SQL for TSM / ISP by //Thobias Salazar Trevisan//
 +    * [[http://thobias.org/tsm/sql/ | SQL for Tivoli Storage Manager]] : a collection of links around SQL for TSM / ISP by //Thobias Salazar Trevisan// **Old Page!**
 +  * [[https://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEPGG_10.5.0/com.ibm.db2.luw.sql.ref.doc/doc/c0004100.html?cp=SSEPGG_10.5.0%2F2-12 | DB2 SQL knowledge center]]
 +  * [[https://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEPGG_10.5.0/com.ibm.db2.luw.sql.ref.doc/doc/r0011043.html?cp=SSEPGG_10.5.0%2F2-12-4 | DB2 SQL Buildin functions ]]
 +  * [[en:services:storage_services:backup:tsm:admin:sql| GWDG SQL 4 TSM]] : some addition SQL statements FIXME
 +  * a few things to know:
 +    * ''select'' with addtional text: ''SELECT || '<Text>' <COLUMN> || <'next Text>' FROM ...'' and so on ...
 +==== DB2 Topics ====
 +  * [[en:services:storage_services:backup:tsm:admin:dbreorg|DB2 offline Reorg]]
 +  * [[en:services:storage_services:backup:tsm:admin:fail302|DB initialization fails with Error 302]]
 +==== PowerShell & TSM/ISP ====
 +  * [[en:services:storage_services:backup:tsm:admin:powershell|a collection of some PS commands ]]
 +===== serverbased TLS =====
 +These pages will describe the use and configuration of TLS 1.2 within a TSM/ISP server.
 +  * Using [[en:services:storage_services:backup:tsm:admin:tls_self|Self signed Certificates]]
 +  * Using DFN-CA signed Certificates -- postponed :-|
 +===== TSM-Symposia =====
 +Every two years the "TSM-Symposium" (since 2019 it's called "ISP Symposium") the largest TSM^H ISP user meeting outside the US takes place. 
 +The last Symposium took place in Dresden: [[http://isp2022.com/]]
 +===== unsorted further stuff =====
 +  * ISP/TSM-Version naming:
 +    * VRMF = __**V**__ersion.__**R**__elease.__**M**__odification-__**F**__ix