In the follwing section you find in case you need help consulting options and an overview of statistical programs available at GWDG. Almost all software products mentioned here are also available on a powerful Windows server of the GWDG, with which you can work quite comfortably from your local PC (whether Windows, Linux or Macintosh).
Consulting for students to statistical programs is available at centre for statistics (or for students of psychological faculty at Mr. Cordes).
Members and students of faculty of medicine or UMG may ask Core Facility "Medical Biometry and Statistical Bioinformatics" for statistical consulting. Students of other faculties get also support there, for details see here.
Excel (as part of Microsoft Office package)
Spreadsheet with statistical functions.
Supported operating system: MS-Windows
Microsoft Office package is available at work stations in compute centre. On enquiry for long running jobs (1-4 weeks) you can remotely use a strong Windows terminal server to run Excel 2016 (64 bit).
For more detailed information or access to Windows terminal server send an email to
Freeware under GNU license for statistical data analysis.
Supported operating systems: Linux, MacOS, MS-Windows
Program is available at several dialogue servers and on our HPC cluster in batch mode (all Linux based). Furthermore a graphical user interface of 32 and 64 Bit and R studio desktop can be used at a Windows server especially for long running jobs (1-4 weeks) on request, additionally an R studio web server is available. For all compute server (R studio web server included) a special registration is mandatory.
Besides the commercial manuals and introductions to R, free ones are also available on the Internet, e.g. R Cookbook or R manual from the “Comprehensive R Archive Network” (CRAN).
For access to R at our compute servers have a look at the Account Activation page.
SAS (JMP incl.)
SAS is a high-power commercial software for statistical data analysis with professional visualization and data management features.
Supported operating systems: Linux and MS-Windows
JMP is useful in preprocessing of SAS results and extents visualization features.
Operating system: MS-Windows
According to two different campus licenses for university of Göttingen and Lower Saxonia end user licenses are available. Additionally GWDG users can run SAS (without JMP!) on our powerful compute servers (Linux and Windows baesd).
For more detailed information to licenses or access to the terminal servers send an email to
OpenOffice calc (as part of OpenOffice package)
Spreadsheet with statistical functions.
Supported operating systems: Linux, MacOS, MS-Windows
OpenOffice package is available at work stations in data center and software can downloaded for free.
For more detailed information send an email to
SPSS (AMOS incl.)
SPSS is a high-power commercial software for statistical data analysis with professional visualization features, AMOS helps you in visualization of models.
Supported operating systems: Linux, MacOS, MS-Windows
According to a campus license contract for Lower Saxonia end user licenses are available. Additionally all GWDG user can run SPSS on request for long running jobs (1-4 weeks) at a Windows server.
For more detailed information to licenses or access to Windows server</del> send an email to
STATISTICA ia a commercial software for statistical data analysis. According to a campus license all user can use it at work stations in our data center or remote at our Windows terminal server.</del> Node lock licenses are available for members and students of the University of Göttingen for free.
Supported operating system: MS-Windows
For more detailed information to licenses or access to Windows server send an email to
STATA ia a commercial software for statistical data analysis.
Supported operating systems: Linux, MacOS, MS-Windows
Stata/MP4 currently in version 16 can use up to 4 cores per run is installed at a Windows server and can be used by all of our users (students included), but a special registration is mandatory. For more detailed information to access to the corresponding Windows server send an email to