SAS (“Statistical Analysis System”) a product of SAS Institute Inc. is a world-wide used high-professionell program package. Data sets and functions are strictly separated within SAS system which allows to change easily functions visualization, routines included. SAS runs are defined by a special script language usable for your own workflows and pipelines. SAS scripts can be called like programs.

Licenses and Software

Emplopyees of the Universities in Lower Saxonia can buy cheap single user licenses by GWDG according to a corresponding license contract.
For more detailed information please contact our helpdesk service at subject: SAS.
Emplopyees of Georg-August-University Göttingen can use a campus license contract to get cheap single user licenses. This contract is supported by several institutes on the university. Students in general and members of these supporting institutes can get SAS for free. Others had to pay 359,15 € per year, If several licenses are needed a discount is possible on request.

The following SAS modules of the Education Analytical Suite are licensed:
Base SAS
SAS Bridge for ESRI
SAS Enterprise Guide
SAS Integration Technologies
SAS/ACCESS Interface to DB2, Informix, MS SQL Server, HP Neoview, MySQL, ODBC, OLE DB, Oracle, PC FIles, Sybase, Aster nCluster, Greenplum, Netezza, Sybase IQ, Teradata
SAS/INSIGHT (only SAS 9.3 or lower)
SAS/LAB (only SAS 9.3 or lower)
SAS/SECURE Windows, 168-bit (only SAS 9.3 or lower)
SAS/Clinical Standard Toolkit
JMP for Genomics (licensed with campus license Göttingen only)

SAS run on MS-Windows (32+64 bit) and Linux (64 bit), JMP on MS-Windows (64 bit) and MacOS (64 Bit).
You can download the following zipped DVDs if you have an IP address in the GoeNET (134.76.*.*). If you haven't you can use a VPN tunnel.


If you want install JMP only (without SAS), you can use the folling installation package:
JMP 15.2 for Windows 64 bit
DVD (763 MByte)
JMP 15.2 for MacOS X 64 bit
DVD (745 MByte)

An instruction of an installation of SAS version 9.3 (Lower Saxonia contract) (in German only) you will find here.

If you only need a SID file (license file) please contact us at subject: SAS-licences. If your institute does not support our SAS license contract by now, we need your invoice address.

Manuals, Courses, Introductions

The complex and powerful software package is not self-explaining and an introduction is strongly recommended.
Members and students of the university may ask your institute or your faculty for specific introduction to SAS or consulting-hours at university. Some institutes at the University of Göttingen serves you with courses.
Numbers of books, manuals and tutorials to SAS are available most dealing with specific topics and applications.
As a matter of course SAS Inc. sells courses and workshops but these are usually too expensive for our community.

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