Table of Contents
Webstatistics With Matomo
Basic information
Matomo is an Open-Source (GPL-licensed) webanalytics-software.
GWDG provides a Matomo instance but does not guarantee for unimpared use of this software. If you would like to contribute to this project please find further information at
How to create a Matomo-Account
Please find our application form at
How to proceed?
- We will setup your user-account and basic website-settings
- After the setup process you will receive an e-mail with your login credentials and your personal tracking code.
- Please insert your tracking code to your website.
How to setup my Matomo-ID?
- Modern CMS and blog-software provide plugins for Matomo.
- Please find further information at:
- Please find additional information and an extensive FAQ for new users at: New to Matomo
Tracking-code (example):
Please note linebreaks when copying!
<!-- Matomo --> <script type="text/javascript"> var _paq = _paq || []; /* tracker methods like "setCustomDimension" should be called before "trackPageView" */ _paq.push(['trackPageView']); _paq.push(['enableLinkTracking']); (function() { var u="//"; _paq.push(['setTrackerUrl', u+'piwik.php']); _paq.push(['setSiteId', '275']); var d=document, g=d.createElement('script'), s=d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; g.type='text/javascript'; g.async=true; g.defer=true; g.src=u+'piwik.js'; s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s); })(); </script> <!-- End Matomo Code -->
Do not track
Users who do not want to get tracked by Matomo can use the “do not track me”-feature. To implement this feature you have to insert the following script into your website:
<iframe frameborder="no" width="600px" height="200px" src=""></iframe>
Which information can be collected by Matomo?
All information about trackable user-requests can be found here: Matomo Javascript Tracking
Frequently asked questions
Problem: Login always redirects me to login page.
Solution: Please delete your browser cookies.
Please find further information and other FAQ at Matomos official website: Matomo FAQ]