Frequently Asked Questions about the SPSS License Agreement

Who can get a SPSS license?

All employees and students of the University of Göttingen, the UMG and the affiliated institutes can obtain SPSS at reduced rates.

How much does a license cost?

The fee for an SPSS licence from 01.10.2024 is €79.20 (net) per user/year and is payable for the duration of one period from the date of purchase.

How and where can I purchase a license?

To purchase a license, both employees and students should contact the GWDG at: support@gwdg.de
If you are outside of GoeNet, please log in first with your user ID via vpn.gwdg.de.

How long is a license valid?

With the purchase of a license you do not acquire ownership rights, but only the right to use the software for a certain period of time (rental). The licenses are valid for a limited period of 1 year each.

Which product versions are available?

Basically, a downgrade right of “n-2” is stipulated in the framework agreement. This means, for example, that the current version 30 and the previous versions 29 and 28 can currently be used. When a new version is released, the oldest version is dropped. The effective date is always the end of the license period and not the release date of a new software version.

Can I run different SPSS versions in parallel with one license?

No this is not possible. The choice of which version to use is an “either-or” decision.

Which single products are included in the "SPSS package"?

The campus contract for IBM SPSS Statistics Premium Campus Edition currently contains the following product components (changes on the part of IBM in the future cannot be ruled out):

  • Statistics Base
  • Advanced Statistics
  • Bootstrapping
  • Categories
  • Conjoint
  • Complex Samples
  • Custom Tables
  • Data Preparation
  • Decision Trees
  • Direct Marketing
  • Exact Tests
  • Forecasting
  • Missing Values
  • Neural Networks
  • Regression

The product IBM SPSS AMOS is a standalone product for predictive models and has no modules.

For which operating systems is SPSS available?

Windows, MacOS and Linux. More detailed information can be found here.

Are there different licenses for different operating systems?

No, there are no differences. The codes are equally valid for the Windows, Mac and Linux versions.

How and where do I get installation files?

The files required to install SPSS can be found here.

Can I install SPSS on multiple computers?

You can install SPSS on a home-use computer. The so-called “Home-Use-Option” also allows private, non-commercial use by authorized users.

Is there a trial version for students?

Since 2018, there is no longer a special trial version for students from the manufacturer IBM. Until version 23, SPSS could basically be tested free of charge for 14 days. There is a website from IBM on which downloading and testing SPSS Statistics is still possible. https://www.ibm.com/analytics/de/de/technology/spss/spss-trials.html Before downloading the software, you will be asked to register. However, IBM's target group here is more likely to be in the commercial sector, since “company” and “job title” are asked as mandatory fields during registration.

Can I also run SPSS as a network license?

You can also run SPSS as a network license. However, this can only be ordered before the start of a new license period ! For this you need a special “Concurrent User License” for the number of network workstations you need. Please contact the support of the GWDG.

For which purposes may I use SPSS ?

The use is only allowed in a non-commercial context and exclusively for the fulfillment of the legal tasks of the universities (usually use in research, teaching, studies, promotion of young scientists, knowledge transfer).

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