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List of GWDG-RAs

DFN-Verein Community CA

For further questions or information about the RAs, please send an e-mail to

Certificate Chain

DFN-Verein Community CA


DFN-Verein Community Root CA 2022 [588154653f9fc85a37f579bcfacd2b1dd91084ee]

DFN-Verein Community Issuing CA 2022 [7fff90e32cd761ca6680ef7ea51d3916e5b40062]


Wildcard Certificates

Since 26.09.2019, wildcard certificates can be applied in the competent RAs listed on this page above.

DFN-Verein Community CA - Guide

Apply for a certificate

According to the following, as described in GN 04-05|20 (currently only in German) in the paragraph “Der neue Beantragungsweg”, the path to the new application pages is described, this will change from Fig. 2 there as described in the following.

There are now two larger buttons. To apply, click the "Apply for a new user certificate" button.

There are now two larger buttons. To apply, click the “Apply for a new user certificate” button.

Enter the required data for the user certificate and click on the "Next" button.

Enter the required data for the user certificate and click on the “Next” button.

A summary of the information is displayed. If everything is fine, click on the "Save request file" button.

A summary of the information is displayed. If everything is fine, click on the “Save request file” button.

A password for the application file must be entered and confirmed by clicking on "Ok".

A password for the application file must be entered and confirmed by clicking on “Ok”.

The application file is stored in the download directory of the web browser used.

The application file is stored in the download directory of the web browser used.

With the application you signed, please go to the responsible RA operator in your institute.

For personal identification, please have your valid ID.

After personal identification and verification of the certificate application, the responsible RA operator will issue your certificate application.

You will receive an e-mail with your certificate attached after your personal e-mail certificate has been issued.

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