Start of the TSM-Scheduler (Linux)

In all Linux distributions, the client scheduler is started via the DSM Client Acceptor Daemon (dsmcad).

IBM IBM-Dokumentation suggests for recent Linux distributions with Systemd to use systemctl for starting 'dsmcad':

 # systemctl start dsmcad.service


 # systemctl status dsmcad.service

should report a successful start. Otherwise the missing file /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmcad.lang might be the cause for a failed start. How to solve the problem is described in detail in this support article: create the mentioned file with the following content


and try restarting dsmcad.service.

Automatic start of dsmcad

Activation of dsmcad on system reboots can be achieved by running:

 # systemctl enable --now dsmcad.service

In older Suse and RedHat distributions use:

# chkconfig --add dsmcad

chkconfig –add dsmcad does not work in older Ubuntu und Debian versions lacking Systemd, since these do not contain chkconfig.

Use the following on such systems, instead:

chmod a+x /etc/init.d/dsmcad
update-rc.d dsmcad defaults 35 35
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