Standard Printing


The GWDG provides printers for A4 and A3 prints. Printing in b/w, color, simplex and duplex is also possible. The standard printers are located at Göttinger Rechenzentrum, Burckhardtweg 4 in 37077 Göttingen and can be used over these queues:

Queue Function Printer Charges
standard, zmlp4d A4 b/w duplex Canon iR-ADV C5860 0.0012 AE
zmlp4l A4 b/w landscape 0.0012 AE
zmlp4s A4 b/w simplex 0.0012 AE
zmlp3d A3 b/w duplex Canon iR-ADV C5860 0.0018 AE
zmlp3l A3 b/w landscape 0.0018 AE
zmlp3s A3 b/w simplex 0.0018 AE
zclp4d A4 color duplex Canon iR-ADV C5860 0.0012 AE
zclp4l A4 color landscape 0.0012 AE
zclp4s, color, farbe A4 color simplex 0.0012 AE
zclp3d A3 color duplex Canon iR-ADV C5860 0.0018 AE
zclp3l A3 color landscape 0.0018 AE
zclp3s A3 color simplex 0.0018 AE
bmlp4d A4 b/w duplex SUB (LRC) PaperCut-printer 0.0012 AE
bmlp4l A4 b/w landscape 0.0012 AE
bmlp4s A4 b/w simplex 0.0012 AE
bmlp3d A3 b/w duplex SUB (LRC) PaperCut-printer 0.0018 AE
bmlp3l A3 b/w landscape 0.0018 AE
bmlp3s A3 b/w simplex 0.0018 AE
bclp4d A4 color duplex SUB (LRC) PaperCut-printer 0.0012 AE
bclp4l A4 color landscape 0.0012 AE
bclp4s A4 color simplex 0.0012 AE
bclp3d A3 color duplex SUB (LRC) PaperCut-printer 0.0018 AE
bclp3l A3 color landscape 0.0018 AE
bclp3s A3 color simplex 0.0018 AE
gmlp4d A4 b/w duplex Institute of Geography PaperCut-printer 0.0012 AE
gmlp4l A4 b/w landscape 0.0012 AE
gmlp4s A4 b/w simplex 0.0012 AE
gmlp3d A3 b/w duplex Institute of Geography PaperCut-printer 0.0018 AE
gmlp3l A3 b/w landscape 0.0018 AE
gmlp3s A3 b/w simplex 0.0018 AE
gclp4d A4 color duplex Institute of Geography PaperCut-printer 0.0012 AE
gclp4l A4 color landscape 0.0012 AE
gclp4s A4 color simplex 0.0012 AE
gclp3d A3 color duplex Institute of Geography PaperCut-printer 0.0018 AE
gclp3l A3 color landscape 0.0018 AE
gclp3s A3 color simplex 0.0018 AE
kmlp4d A4 b/w duplex KWZ (LRC) PaperCut-printer 0.0012 AE
kmlp4l A4 b/w landscape 0.0012 AE
kmlp4s A4 b/w simplex 0.0012 AE
kmlp3d A3 b/w duplex KWZ (LRC) PaperCut-printer 0.0018 AE
kmlp3l A3 b/w landscape 0.0018 AE
kmlp3s A3 b/w simplex 0.0018 AE
kclp4d A4 color duplex KWZ (LRC) PaperCut-printer 0.0012 AE
kclp4l A4 color landscape 0.0012 AE
kclp4s A4 color simplex 0.0012 AE
kclp3d A3 color duplex KWZ (LRC) PaperCut-printer 0.0018 AE
kclp3l A3 color landscape 0.0018 AE
kclp3s A3 color simplex 0.0018 AE
omlp4d A4 b/w duplex BBWiso PaperCut-printer 0.0012 AE
omlp4l A4 b/w landscape 0.0012 AE
omlp4s A4 b/w simplex 0.0012 AE
omlp3d A3 b/w duplex BBWiso PaperCut-printer 0.0018 AE
omlp3l A3 b/w landscape 0.0018 AE
omlp3s A3 b/w simplex 0.0018 AE
oclp4d A4 color duplex BBWiso PaperCut-printer 0.0012 AE
oclp4l A4 color landscape 0.0012 AE
oclp4s A4 color simplex 0.0012 AE
oclp3d A3 color duplex BBWiso PaperCut-printer 0.0018 AE
oclp3l A3 color landscape 0.0018 AE
oclp3s A3 color simplex 0.0018 AE
pmlp4d A4 b/w duplex Physics Divisional Library PaperCut-printer 0.0012 AE
pmlp4l A4 b/w landscape 0.0012 AE
pmlp4s A4 b/w simplex 0.0012 AE
pmlp3d A3 b/w duplex Physics Divisional Library PaperCut-printer 0.0018 AE
pmlp3l A3 b/w landscape 0.0018 AE
pmlp3s A3 b/w simplex 0.0018 AE
pclp4d A4 color duplex Physics Divisional Library PaperCut-printer 0.0012 AE
pclp4l A4 color landscape 0.0012 AE
pclp4s A4 color simplex 0.0012 AE
pclp3d A3 color duplex Physics Divisional Library PaperCut-printer 0.0018 AE
pclp3l A3 color landscape 0.0018 AE
pclp3s A3 color simplex 0.0018 AE

All of these queues are available for Windows, Mac and UNIX systems and can be used with the GWDG PostScript Printer driver. There is a nonprintable margin of 1cm at the top, bottom, left and right. The printer resulotion is 600 dpi.

Some of these printers can also be used directly their queue name suffixes. The queues for the Canon iR-ADV C5250 have the suffix 25 (e.g. zmlp4d25, zclp4l25,…). Queues for the Kyocera FS -C8600DN are labled with the suffix 81 (e.g. zmlp4d81, zclp4l81,…).

GWDG users can also print on printers that are located in various locations in the University of Göttingen (so called “external printers”) You can find an overview here: external printers (German).

PostScript Printer Description (PPD)

Here ist the PPD file needed for printing on Mac and Linux clients: Download GWDGPS.PPD-File. Windows users do not have to download this so file beacuse it is already integrated in the GWDG PostScript driver.

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