MS SharePoint

The GWDG provides SharePoint 2013 as a collaboration platform.

Conditions of use

To use our SharePoint environment you need a gwdg account .


If you want to use Microsoft SharePoint 2013, you need a Client Access Licenses (CAL).

There are two different types of Client Access licenses: standard CALs and enterprise CALs. Everybody needs a standard CAL. If you want to use enterprise features you also need to buy an enterprise CAL.

If you are a member of the University of Göttingen or the University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG), you allready have a standard CAL, because these institutions are members of the Microsoft Campus Agreement. The Campus Agreement includes SharePoint standard CALs for both employees and students. You can read more about the Microsoft Campus Agreement here: Microsoft Campus Agreement

How to request a site collection

To request a SharePoint sitecollection, please fill out one of the following request forms:

You need a gwdg account to be able to request a sitecollection.


Additional information

SharePoint mailing list

We provide a mailing list for SharePoint, where we announce general news and information about maintenance measures.You can subscribe to it here: GWDG-SP



If you just started to use SharePoint and want to learn more about it, you can attend our quarterly beginner course “Die SharePoint-Umgebung der GWDG” (German). The beginner course adresses new sitecollection owners.

You can find more information about our course programm and the dates of the beginner courses here:

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