Account Activation

To access the HPC system, you need to be explicitly activated by us.

If you have a full GWDG account (this excludes student accounts that have a mail address ending in, your account is eligible to be activated directly for the HPC system.

To see if you have a full GWDG account and can therefore be activated for the HPC service, log in to our AcademicCloud, and take a look at your account page. If the institute affiliation is “Studierende der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen”, it is NOT a full account. While you are there, you should also make sure the “Unix default shell” under “… Other” is set to /bin/bash to prevent future problems with the HPC system.

To get your account activated, please create a ticket via email to, including your username and ideally from the email address associated with the account.

Users without a full GWDG account

If you have a student or guest account (AcademicCloud), you can also request HPC access if you are working on a thesis or another project where you need access to compute resources. Please put your advisor in the CC of your email to and also mention the institute you will be working at and a short description/working title of your thesis/project. A project will be created for you in the HPC Project Portal. You will receive an email with your login username (which does not match your AcademicCloud username) and further documentation.


Please note that our ability to activate your account for the HPC service is subject to export control regulations.

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