This is an old revision of the document!


GWDG's VPN can be used by students and associates of Göttingen Campus as well as other customers of GWDG to securely connect from the internet into GÖNET without being on the campus physically.

When the VPN is activated, all (IPv4) data connections are transmitted via GÖNET. For most services that you are connected to, this will seem as if your requests have their origin in the University network / network of GWDG.

Using the VPN enables you to access resources that are accessible from GÖNET only. This includes emedia at SUB as well as your Personal Drive.

The VPN service is currently being switched to the eduVPN software. This is a more secure and easier to use alternative to the previous product. In order to use eduVPN, it is mandatory to set up multi-factor authentication.


The setup of the software eduVPN is described on the following page.

Previous VPN solution 'AnyConnect'

In the current transition phase, the previous VPN system 'AnyConnect' is still supported and is still required for some specific user groups or applications.

**If there is no special need, the application eduVPN should be used!

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